Roderick Sandilands

MSc student


Prof. Jonathan Little

Current Program

Roddie graduated with a BSc in Human Kinetics from St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. During this time, he completed his undergraduate honours thesis in the realm of child growth and development investigating physical literacy in children who participate in elite sport and children who attend a well-structured afterschool physical activity program.

Outside of the lab, Roddie can be found on the golf course, at the rink, the tennis court, spending time with friends and family, reading, and listening to podcasts.

Current Research

For his MSc, Roddie will build on the Exercise Snacks project by applying this form of high intensity interval training to a clinical population (i.e., individuals living with T2D) with hopes to see improvements in metabolic markers. He is also interested in learning about the role that high intensity training has in improving mitochondrial function.