PhD Candidate

Prof. Phil Ainslie
Current Program
Laurel Clark Sea to Space Physiology Research Grant, Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship, NSERC Postgraduate Doctoral Scholarship and PADI Diving Physiology Grant.
Originally from Ontario, Courtney obtained her BHK from UBCO before going on to do her MSc with Dr. Glen Foster at UBCO. She enjoys good coffee, DIYs, spin classes, volleyball, skiing, camping, and paddle boarding.
Current Research
Courtney’s doctoral studies have focused on physiological adaptations to free-diving. Specifically, she is interested in comparing the phenotypic differences in competitive free-divers, Indigenous diving populations who have been diving for >2000 years, and highly adapted marine mammals. Through this work she aims to better understand how humans are able to adjust to significant physiological stresses both acutely and long term.